Patterns Repeat ~ but so few remember!

The purpose of this [Once] Daily [Now Weekly] SMS-blog is to expose warnings and patterns from the past — to remedy the amnesia that Ecclesiastes lamented:

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. (Old Testament | Ecclesiastes 1:11; side bar*)


The voices will be selected from a wide variety of writers from every nation, kindred, tongue, people, and time that expose the recycling agenda of domination and destruction.


As of May 1, 2022, with the rapid deterioration of world conditions, Voices will feature, each Sunday, a prophetic voice concerning the last days. As you read, count the ways the last days' prophecies are manifesting in daily news and in the many exposés of things once hidden! As of January 1, 2023, the focus will be on Praise, Promises, and Freedom. As of January 2024 the focus will be on the manner of kings, rulers, power, pride, and persuasion.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

#432: The Duty of Christians

“To let their light shine, not to force on them their interpretations of God’s designs, is the duty of Christians towards their fellows. If you, who set yourselves to explain the theory of Christianity, had set yourselves instead to do the will of the Master, the one object for which the Gospel was preached to you, how different would now be the condition of that portion of the world with which you come in contact!

“Had you given yourselves to the understanding of his word that you might do it, and not to the quarrying from it of material wherewith to buttress your systems, in many a heart by this time would the name of the Lord be loved where now it remains unknown. The word of life would then by you have been held out indeed. Men, undeterred by your explanations of Christianity---for you would not be forcing them of their acceptance---and attracted by your behavior, would be saying to each other, as Moses said to himself when he saw the bush that burned with fire and was not consumed, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight!”  They would be drawing nigh to behold how these Christians loved one another, and how just and fair they were to every one that had to do with them!  To note that their goods were the best, their prices most reasonable, their word most certain!  That in their families was neither jealousy nor emulation!  That mammon was not there worshiped!  That in their homes selfishness was neither the hidden nor the openly ruling principle!  That their children were as diligently taught to share, as some are to save, or to lay out only upon self!  Their mothers more anxious lest a child should hoard than lest he should squander!  That in no house of theirs was religion one thing, and the daily life another!   That the ecclesiastic did not think first of his church, nor the peer of his privileges! Refusing to obey him in your life, how can you trust him for your life?”*

*Quoted from Hein, Rolland. Through the Year with George MacDonald: 366 Daily Readings (Kindle Locations 5146-5160). Winged Lion Press. Kindle Edition.

George MacDonald (10 December 1824 – 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet and Christian minister. He was a pioneering figure in the field of modern fantasy literature and the mentor of fellow writer Lewis Carroll. In addition to his fairy tales, MacDonald wrote several works of Christian theology, including several collections of sermons. / ...
C. S. Lewis wrote that he regarded MacDonald as his "master": "Picking up a copy of Phantastes one day at a train-station bookstall, I began to read. A few hours later", said Lewis, "I knew that I had crossed a great frontier." G. K. Chesterton cited The Princess and the Goblin as a book that had "made a difference to my whole existence". |