Patterns Repeat ~ but so few remember!

The purpose of this [Once] Daily [Now Weekly] SMS-blog is to expose warnings and patterns from the past — to remedy the amnesia that Ecclesiastes lamented:

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. (Old Testament | Ecclesiastes 1:11; side bar*)


The voices will be selected from a wide variety of writers from every nation, kindred, tongue, people, and time that expose the recycling agenda of domination and destruction.


As of May 1, 2022, with the rapid deterioration of world conditions, Voices will feature, each Sunday, a prophetic voice concerning the last days. As you read, count the ways the last days' prophecies are manifesting in daily news and in the many exposés of things once hidden! As of January 1, 2023, the focus will be on Praise, Promises, and Freedom. As of January 2024 the focus will be on the manner of kings, rulers, power, pride, and persuasion.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

#102: Conspiracy Fact – Deposing Empress Theodora

Byzantine Empire
“In the mid-ninth century A.D., a young man named Michael III assumed the throne of the Byzantine Empire. His mother, the Empress Theodora, had been banished to a nunnery, and her lover, Theoctistus, had been murdered ; at the head of the conspiracy to depose Theodora and enthrone Michael had been Michael’s uncle, Bardas, [brother of Theodora] a man of intelligence and ambition. Michael was now a young, inexperienced ruler, surrounded by intriguers, murderers, and profligates.”*

“Both Bardas and Michael would eventually be assassinated by Basil I, who would then usurp the throne and establish the Macedonian Dynasty.”**

* from Greene, Robert. The 48 Laws of Power (p. 9). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.